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CG | DRB | 2013 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2013 024
Original file (2013 024.pdf) Auto-classification: Denied
DRB DOCKET 2013-024


Narrative Reason: Entry Level Separation
SPD code: JGA; RE code: RE3L; Separation Authority: 12.B.20





| TIS O yrs, O months, 11 days
Policy Implications __| None




The applicant was discharged with Adjustment Disorder after just 11 days at boot camp. The applicant claims
being unable to cope with boot camp due to immaturity, and also felt forced by parents to go into the military.
The applicant wanted out of the service after just a few days at recruit training.

Members separated within the first 180 days of service normally receive an ‘Uncharacterized’ discharge.
However, the Narrative Reason of Adjustment Disorder is not supported by any diagnosis from a physician.

The Board recommends an entry level separation due to the inability to adapt during the first 180 days of

An uncharacterized character of service is not derogatory in nature and is the prescribed character for

individuals who were separated while at initial accession training and there was no associated conduct to
warrant a less desirable character of service.

An RE-3 reentry code is not an affirmative recommendation for reenlistment, rather it represents that the
applicant is not recommended for reenlistment due to a disqualifying factor. The RE3 code may be waived
based upon the policies and needs of the gaining service. The RE3L recommended by the board would identify
the applicant as an Entry Level Separation that must have a waiver to reenlist. The RE3G is incorrect; the
applicant did not have any Condition that interfered with his performance of duty.

Propriety: Discharge was proper.

Equity: Discharge was equitable.

Board Conclusion: The Board voted 5-0 to recommend no relief on the RE code or character of service
desired by the applicant. The Board voted 5-0 for the following administrative changes:

Narrative Reason: Entry Level Separation
SPD code: JGA

RE code: RE3L

Separation Authority: 12.B.20

Final Adjudication by Assistant Commandant For Human Resources: Concurs and approves with partial
relief and administrative changes recommended by the Board.

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